
STA 206 Final Project Files & Code

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This repository represents the scripts and code used for generating results and models for the Stats 206 final project at UC Davis. The goal of this repository is to produce a model for predicting covid cases and deaths.

Raw data

  • exists in the covid-project-raw-data folder

Data exploration

  • conducted using the covid_dount.Rmd script. The file covid_count.html report of this analysis is included as well.

Model exploration

  • conducted using the Covid_Data_Summary_Cases_Model.Rmd as well as the sum_stats_death_by_covid.Rmd were used to explore and fit models with covid infection rate, and death rate as response variables, respectively.
  • step AIC model exploration was conducted in the
  • outlier exploration and model validation as well as comparison of regsubsets to the stepAIC was addtionally conducted using Covid_Data_Summary_Cases_Model.Rmd. The file Covid_Data_Summary_Cases_Model.html report of this analysis is included as well.
