The evaluation
module computes the evluation metrics and outputs an HTML report over two sets annotations
in the LAPPS JSON format.
It reads the evaluation-configuration
object from the LAPPS JSON object's metadata to locate the right pairs of annotations.
An example configuration json object looks like:
Inside the configuration object, the prefix gold-
is short for reference outputs, and prefix test-
is short for predicted outputs.
The outputFormat
can be either html
or json
An example Java code to setup "evaluation-configuration" object:
private String setEvalConfig(String data) {
//Create an EvaluationConfig java bean
EvaluationConfig evalConfig = new EvaluationConfig();
//Parse the input Json data, and get its payload container
Data<Object> result = Serializer.parse(data, Data.class);
Object payload = result.getPayload();
Container container = new Container((Map) payload);
//Convert the EvaluationConfig bean as Map, and insert into metadata
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map evalConfigMap = mapper.convertValue(evalConfig, Map.class);
container.setMetadata("evaluation-configuration", evalConfigMap);
//Save the updated Lapps Json object
return Serializer.toJson(result);