
Any Plans for Drag and Sort for the form fields?

jeremiahsherrill opened this issue · 10 comments

So far it looks like a pretty awesome form builder. But wondering if there will be plans to add drag and sort functionality

Thank you for your feedback and support. I really appreciate it :).

The sorting for fields and sections is available:
ezgif com-video-to-gif

I hope this is what you were looking for!

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Thank you again.

doh, just wasn't obvious to me. I thought that was for opening and closing the view and when I dragged I didn't see a physical representation of the dragging act.

Might be something else I am missing, is there a way to set the width of a field element, instead of them all being side by side in two columns? Perhaps a way to add a class to each element?

For now, there is no straightforward way to customize the admin in general, and I don't like the idea of adding so many configurations to the config file.

But depending on the screen size, I will edit the columns to fit more per row.

Not so much just per row, but the ability to set 1 column full width 2 column, 3 column. It doesn't ever have to it directly with inside there, just include a class in the options that would allow the users to define each form field themselves for layout purposes.

You mean the columns for rendering the form, right? Not on the admin page!
There is an option for Section Column It works well for all form layouts (page, wizard, tabs)

Also, there is an HTML ID for each field.
I will also add a class for each field, but it will be applied to the input itself, not the field container, which will be tricky.

Check the Section Column I hope it will be useful for your use case.

okay, just looking for ways it could be modified to make it easier for people to use.

I am happy to add more fungally and make the package extendable and customizable.
I need to understand the use case more so I can provide the best solution :)

I am still not sure is the request for the admin page or the frontend render forms?

Admin page for the users, so they can easily understand how things work

I will see after filament V3 to find more ways to customize the admin pages.
closing for now.