
Checked Option

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Hello Dear ,

Thanks for your work ,
i need to know if i have old values and i need to make checked attribute for some input,
how i can make some of radio checked ? .


hey, I wish if you shard some code and where are you using this
in a resource or a page
by default the "edit" should work and fill the values from your DB

but giving the following example you can set the values using formatStateUsing like this

          'one'=>'One Item',
          'two'=>'Two Item',
          'three'=>'Three Item',
          'sat' => 'Saturday',
          'sun' => 'Sunday',
          'mon' => 'Monday',

if you have values without keys:


and you can always dd() the form and see how the array is structured

Thanks For Your Replay ,
here is my code ,

can you feed me back please ,

i will try with your feed back ,
and i will feed you back ,

Thanks Again <3

it's working With this way ,



but how i can get pass my old values with ->currentData([])

like be this

->currentData([ // This Is My Old Choices Or On In Edit Step
'Question One',
'Question Five',

Best Regards

in this case you should try use key values to store the data
'Question One',
'Question Five',

is the labels not the values
and it all depend how you store the data

Thanks Dear,
i will try and feed you back ,
i like your code



Kindly please help me and feed me back ,
is there is any wat to make radio checked from blade file ?
this is your code ,
can you tell me please ?


the issue here with ->formatStateUsing()
it's working ,
but i can't control code ,