
override relationship when there is more then one.

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HI Ive got a contract Entity that have two relationships the contract model is related to a advertiser as a advertiser can have many contracts , I also need to track which of our sales reps sold the contract so i have a sold_by column that is the id of the user who sold the contract so Its also a relationship now I created a factory which defines both.

        'contract_number' => $faker->numberBetween(10000, 99999),
        'sign_date' => $faker->date(),
        'total' => $faker->randomFloat(),
        'deposit' => $faker->randomFloat(),
        'payment_plan' => '50/50',
        'advertiser_id' => 'factory:Apps4u\Sharples\Models\Advertiser',
       'sold_by' => 'factory:Platform\Users\Models\User',


Now when creating the data I override the advertser_id as I want it set the existing record as I have lots of relationships include lots of Polymorphic ones. but when I override the advertiser id but not the userid I get a error saying it can not insert advertiser_id into the users table (there is no link like that). so I can only override a value if I override both relationships.

I create a route to test my seed loading Ive use foreach loops so I can attach polymorphic relationships. As you can see Im override both sold_by (user id) and advertiser_id. But If I only override the advertiser_id I get a error saying that insert into user table failed table dose not have column advertiser_id . Which is correct so I dont know why its trying to do that.

function seed1() {
    Factory::$factoriesPath = base_path() . '/tests/factories';


$sites = Apps4u\Sharples\Models\Site::all();
$calls = Apps4u\Sharples\Models\Call::all();
$contacts = Apps4u\Sharples\Models\Contact::all();
$comments =  Apps4u\Sharples\Models\Comment::all();

$x = 0;
foreach ($sites as $site) {


function seed2() {
Factory::$factoriesPath = base_path() . '/tests/factories';

$advertisers =  Apps4u\Sharples\Models\Advertiser::all();
$calls =  Apps4u\Sharples\Models\Call::all();
$contacts =  Apps4u\Sharples\Models\Contact::all();
$comments =  Apps4u\Sharples\Models\Comment::all();

$x = 0;
foreach ($advertisers as $advertiser) {
    // create a new contract but not with new advertiser used on of just created advertisers.
    Factory::create('Apps4u\Sharples\Models\Contract', ['advertiser_id' => $advertiser->id, 'sold_by' => 1]);
return 'done';


 * @return array
function create_sites()
    Factory::$factoriesPath = base_path() . '/tests/factories';

    $sites = Factory::times(50)->create('Apps4u\Sharples\Models\Site');

    $x = 0;
    foreach ($sites as $site) {



function create_advertisers()
    Factory::$factoriesPath = base_path() . '/tests/factories';

    $advertisers = Factory::times(50)->create('Apps4u\Sharples\Models\Advertiser');

    $x = 0;
    foreach ($advertisers as $advertiser) {
        // create a new contract but not with new advertiser used on of just created advertisers.
        Factory::create('Apps4u\Sharples\Models\Contract', ['advertiser_id' => $advertiser->id]);

return 'done';

Ive cleaned up the test seeder and use build for some of the polymorphic relationships . I was able to override the advertiser_id and not the user_id relationship and its looks like its working now . before I used to get 'factory:Platform\Users\Models\Users' set as the user_id for one of my polymorphic relationships which is not the case any more and I can override one relationship and not the other and it now works so thanks for the update and this can be closed