
Difficult to read dumps, the font weight is too light and contrast too low (on PopOS)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

🛻 LaraDumps Feature Request


It is difficult to read what is being shown (with every theme, light and dark).

Why is this needed?

To make it easier to read what is in the debug window

Suggested Solution(s)

Increase the font weight and make the color darker/lighter depending on the theme.

Related issue(s)/PR(s)

Let us know if this is related to any issue/request

Screenshot from 2024-04-06 17-23-34

I've had difficulties using Laradumps in PopOs in previous versions. Since the theme changed to daisy, let's invest in that.

Thanks for the report

Thank you for making this app, very happy with it otherwise!

Arrays look fine (just fyi.)

Screenshot from 2024-04-06 18-04-28

Thanks a bunch! This will make it more readable :)

Screenshot from 2024-04-10 11-59-46