
Continuous Prompt for LaraDumps Package Update Despite Acknowledgment

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Currently, on Windows 11 with the LaraDumps app installed, there seems to be an unexpected behavior. Upon utilizing the ds() call, a dialog prompt appears, notifying about a LaraDumps package update availability. Despite clicking "OK" to acknowledge the update, the prompt keeps reappearing with every ds() call.

Expected Behavior:
The LaraDumps package update prompt should only appear once, and subsequent occurrences should be suppressed after acknowledgment.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Install LaraDumps app on Windows 11.
  2. Utilize the ds() call in a Laravel project.
  3. Observe the continuous appearance of the LaraDumps package update prompt with each ds() call.

Additional Information:

  • Operating System: Windows 11
  • LaraDumps Package Version: ^3.0
  • Laravel Project Version: ^10.0
  • Reproducibility: Consistently occurs with each ds() call.

This issue disrupts workflow and may lead to inconvenience for users. Any insights or resolutions on resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Hello. Can you send a screenshot of laradumps with the modal open? This behavior is standard in laradumps in all calls to prevent using the app if it is outdated. But there seems to be a problem in your case. What version of laradumps-core was installed?

Hi @luanfreitasdev, thanks for your quick response


Here it is, also in this project these are the package versions:

"laradumps/laradumps": "3.0",
"laradumps/laradumps-core": "2.0",

It's also worth noting that I've reinstalled the app, but the situation remains the same.

If you update the dependencies, will this still happen?

composer require laradumps/laradumps --dev -W

yeah, I've updated both based on the modal, but it still persist