
Backup Pkgs: List shows pkgs that were removed/no longer installed

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I just did a backup of both my home and Pkgs and happened to notice after backing up Pkgs that the list shown due to using the print option includes all packages I've installed and since deleted. Is this something I can fix? Does rewind pull an overall list from somewhere? Even Pkgs I had removed with "apt-get purge" were still there.

Rewind take pkg backup from $PREFIX/var/log/apt/history.log

It only includes pkgs currently installed.
Please share more info/screenshot for more info.

I'm sorry I should have clarified and not sounded like an idiot lol. I did not mean to imply that the backup actually included Pkgs that weren't installed at the time of backup but rather just that I noticed the output list still included them and just wanted to call on your expertise and ask where it came from as that list could be valuable when rebuilding etc. And you answered my question despite my ramblings - thank you!!

The script reads file $PREFIX/var/log/apt/history.log and make a list of Installed packages from line apt install packageName and then it removes those packages which are also present in apt remove packageName. There may be a chance that the packages removes using apt purge packageNames may not be removed from Installed list causing already removed packages to remain in Installed list.
I will look into it.
Thanks for letting me know about this.

fixed in b07c4e5