
ui prefix

Opened this issue · 7 comments

I could not find anything related --ui and code does not have anything related to it

The "--ui" option does not exist.

@sylviot r u aware of this issue?


How are you try generating the scaffold?

The --ui="bs3" to use Stubs/views/bs3 !!

I have tested this and found that there is an issue if the schema option is not used. I would tend to argue that there seems to be no logic to handle this situation - typically those who don't specify this option would be trying to avoid creating a migration, in which case the following happens:

$php artisan make:scaffold --ui="bs3" Test1

----------- scaffolding: Test1 -----------

  • Migration

  • Seed

    Array to string conversion

However if the schema flag is used this is not an issue:

$php artisan make:scaffold --ui="bs3" --schema="test-field:string" Test

----------- scaffolding: Test -----------

  • Migration
    x Seed
  • Model
  • Controller

--- Views ---

  • create.blade.php
  • edit.blade.php
  • index.blade.php
  • show.blade.php
    x Layout (Skip)
    x Error (Skip)

----------- >DUMP AUTOLOAD< -----------
Don't forget to adjust: 'migrate' and 'routes'

So, create the model, migration and view without nothing?
or show a ask how "Confirm to create without schema?", is it better?

Please show a prompt if there is no --schema or -s flag, to confirm that no migration will be created.
If --schema or -s is present but blank then create a blank migration - In my fork I have added default fields into the generator.

Thanks @robbielove, i'll implement a prompt to confirm that no attributes in migration/model/view will be created.
