mix-manifest.json not found after refresh
wbovela opened this issue · 9 comments
This is an issue
- Are you running the latest version? --> No, I am in the process of upgrading to 3.7.2
- [X ] Are you reporting to the correct repository?
- [X ] Did you check the documentation?
- Did you perform a cursory search?
I can load the User table, for instance without a problem. But when I refresh the page I get an error message "The Mix manifest does not exist."
I have tracked this down to the file core/src/resources/views/index.blade.php containing references to the helper mix() which uses the Mix::class in laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foudation/Mix.php which references the mix-manifest.json file which no longer exists.
Steps to Reproduce
- load User table
- refresh the page
Expected behavior
the user table
(please note that I can not reproduce this in the online version of Enso. It started occurring after the upgrade to 3.7.2)
Actual behavior
an error message saying that the mix-manifest.json file is missing
The core index.blade.php
is a left over, the latest push on core removes it.
We will release in a few days 3.7.4 and the changelog will cover this as well but I guess you can already do the following for yourself
After completing the steps in #79 do the following
update the production file location in client/vue.config.js
main: {
entry: 'src/js/enso.js',
minify: false,
filename: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? '../resources/views/index.blade.php'
: './index.html',
template: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? '../vendor/laravel-enso/core/stubs/production-index.blade.stub'
: '../vendor/laravel-enso/core/stubs/development-index.stub',
update the default route in routes/web.php
Route::view('/{any}', 'index')->where('any', '.*');
add in the root .gitignore under the local files
update client/babel.config.js to
module.exports = {
presets: [
add the --modern flag in client/package.json under build
"build": "rm -rf ../public/{js,themes,themes-rtl,images} && vue-cli-service build --no-clean --modern",
I now get the following error:
View [index] not found.
I think I'm missing a file in resources/views. I've tried copying the old index.blade.php file, but I get an 'Unexpected "<"' error.
after you update client/vue.config.js
you need to rebuild the app.
Are you experiencing this in production or locally?
I rebuilt the app, but it does the same.
It's local, not production.
Should there be an index.blade.php in resources/views?
on yarn build
the file will be there the same it was with the previous configuration when we had it under vendor. For sure you have a typo somewhere.
I'll keep looking. Thanks for your help.