
index.blade.php is used from vendor dir even it is published to resurces folder

mauthi opened this issue · 7 comments

This is a bug.


  • Are you running the latest version?
  • Are you reporting to the correct repository?
  • Did you check the documentation?
  • Did you perform a cursory search?


I have 2 files:

  • resources/views/index.blade.php AND
  • vendor/laravel-enso/core/src/resources/views/index.blade.php

I would like to use my view but system takes vendor view every time.
Is this a bug or a feature?
If it's a feature how can I overwrite the initial theme?

Expected behavior

Overwrite vendor file with local file if a local file exists

Actual behavior

Vendor file is used

It's intended to be that way.

Why don't you change the enso/themes config?

I already changed the enso/themes config but the vendor/laravel-enso/core/src/resources/views/index.blade.php uses light theme hardcoded - see Line 6:

link id="theme" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/themes/light/bulma.min.css">

Ah right. Why don't you place your custom theme in that location?

You mean that I name my custom theme "light" instead of custom name?
Is this a good approach? If somebody would like e.g. that dark theme is default than he must rename dark to light?

The system is built with support to a light and a dark theme.

If somebody want the dark to be default then in resources/preferences.json the default theme should be dark instead of light.

OK, i added an own theme with a custom name - everything works fine except for the login screen.

I would need a possibility to overwrite vendor/laravel-enso/core/src/resources/views/index.blade.php with a local version, but that's not working?

I thought about this and you are right - I will overwrite light and dark theme local.