How do I change the default colors?
evansbusobozi opened this issue · 1 comments
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Expected Behavior
I want to change the orange color of the active side-bar link as well as the purple color on the card-headers.
Current Behavior
I tried changing the color variables within the _variables.scss, as well as the hex codes in material-dashboard.css without any success.
Hello @Evanzsnr,
Thank you for using our products, here is what you have to do to make the expected changes:
to change the card-header of the cards (e.g. purple color) please go to
at line 164 and replace the variables with your colors, or variables:
background: linear-gradient(60deg, $purple-400, $purple-600);
in order to have for the sidebar the active color to be orange, you have to change the data-color="rose" from sidebar to data-color="orange".
Don't forget to recompile the SASS after you make the changes.
Hope that information helps you. Please let us know if we can help you with anything else.
All the best,