
spacing content displayed on twitter

iiCe89 opened this issue ยท 10 comments

return (new TwitterStatusUpdate($blog->name .''. $blog->slug))->withImage($image);

i'm using this to display title content, link & image on twitter however the content & title seem to not space apart :/ how would i do this

Hey @iiCe89 , can you show me what you mean? What is the result? No space between blog name and URL?

for example this it what it would look like on twitter TITLEIt is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable

so there is no break between TITLE and summary content

ah ok, hm so how does you content look like? What are you using for the break?

currently just this $blog->name .''. $blog->slug) with the dots break each section but the URL seems to space from the summary it is just the Title & text that wont

yeah but title and text come both from $blog->name right?

$blog->name . $blog-body .''. $blog->slug) like this apologie's

Sry Im not sure if I get your correct. You did not put a space between name and body? Why don't you do it like that:
return (new TwitterStatusUpdate($blog->name . ' ' . $blog->body .''. $blog->slug))->withImage($image);

ah ok ! thank you will try that and update you :)

works thank you
