
Is it possible to mandate multiple subscriptions in one initial payment

lanthopusx opened this issue · 3 comments

In our usecase you can add multiple subscriptions(claim multiple domains) to your cart and we'd like to direct our user to Mollie once to authorize those subscriptions in one payment. However it seems that we have to start a new transaction for every seperate subscription.

We want to prevent creating bundles because we'd like to give our user the option to cancel each subscription indivually. Are we missing something or is this not possible using this library? (Or is it a limitation from Mollie's end?)

Interesting one. I don't think we can currently easily cover that use case with this package.

Once you have obtained a valid mandate from the customer, he will be charged without being redirected to Mollie's checkout.

So at that point you can add subscriptions on the fly - however there will be an order and invoice generated for each individually.

Obtaining a mandate can be done by updating the payment method with a small amount being charged, which is optionally added to the account balance and applied in the next order.

Customer experience wise, it's not optimal.

🤔 Another way to explore is to see if you can use the FirstPaymentBuilder and add multiple subscription actions there.

@sandervanhooft Thank you for your quick reply and your suggestions. We'll have to discuss these suggestions internally, but atleast we have some options now.