
"You can't write against a read only replica"

Closed this issue ยท 11 comments

  • Horizon Version: 3.4.7
  • Laravel Version: 6.11.0
  • PHP Version: 7.4.0
  • Redis Driver & Version: predis/phpredis 1.1.1
  • Database Driver & Version: N/A


After some time I get multiple errors:

  • You can't write against a read only replica. {"exception":"[object] (Predis\\Response\\ServerException(code: 0): READONLY You can't write against a read only replica. at /var/www/vendor/predis/predis/src/Pipeline/Pipeline.php:102)

  • ERR Error running script (call to f_230148430cb441a76f6486ae084405a674e00385): @user_script:2: @user_script: 2: -READONLY You can't write against a read only replica.

  • ERR Error running script (call to f_230148430cb441a76f6486ae084405a674e00385): @user_script:2: @user_script: 2: -READONLY You can't write against a read only replica. {"exception":"[object] (Predis\\Response\\ServerException(code: 0): ERR Error running script (call to f_230148430cb441a76f6486ae084405a674e00385): @user_script:2: @user_script: 2: -READONLY You can't write against a read only replica. at /var/www/vendor/predis/predis/src/Client.php:370)

There is no slave Redis instances running (as far as I understand as I only initiate with horizon command). So I am not quite sure why this is happening...

As well queue is empty it seems like it's randomly throwing errors and then stops... and again...

From errors I see that it was invoked with:

  • Invoked Artisan command: horizon:work -- input | 'horizon:work' redis --delay=0 --memory=128 --queue=default --sleep=3 --timeout=60 --tries=2 --supervisor='b396ac2bb269-E0QY:supervisor-1'

Strangely enough even after there errors, everything seems to be working just fine... it just randomly spits out a lot of these errors for few seconds...

Steps To Reproduce:

Start horizon with supervisord and leave it for few hours...

Hey there,

Can you first please try one of the support channels below? If you can actually identify this as a bug, feel free to report back and I'll gladly help you out and re-open this issue.


Happening with me too. As per the attached Logs, it seems to be happening via horizon only. When HorizonCommand or SupervisorCommand is handled.

Someone has also tried a Stackoverflow question.

@ErnestStaug Did you manage to solve this?

@ErnestStaug Did you manage to solve this?

Hi, I think my problem solved when I shut down supervisor who was running php worker along with horizon, both of them were trying to execute the queue at the same time...

Okay, I re-installed the Redis-server and things look better for the time being. Thanks.

Has anyone else had this issue with a better solution?

Reopen this and let's discuss general answer.

I had this problem too. Any solution?

I am having the same issue. Caused both from horizon snapshot command and from normal (and totally random from what I can see) requests.

Running redis in docker with appendonly --yes option on. The whole stack is in Docker swarm.

Maybe related.

I encountered this message "You can't write against a read only replica" leading up to the discovery that php.ini had disable_functions including pcntl_signal.

Running php artisan horizon from the CLI I got this error:

Horizon started successfully.

In HorizonCommand.php line 50:

  Call to undefined function Laravel\Horizon\Console\pcntl_signal()

Removing pcntl_signal from the list of disabled functions, I was good to go.