
searchable/filterable method with parameter does not work on relation field in filters

webard opened this issue · 3 comments

  • Laravel Version: 11.7.0
  • Nova Version: 4.33
  • PHP Version: 8.2.17
  • Database Driver & Version: 8.3.0
  • Operating System and Version: MacOS 14.4.1
  • Browser type and version: Chrome 124.0.6367.203


I have field named "Owner" which is simply User:

BelongsTo::make(___('Owner'), 'owner', User::class)
                ->filterable(function(NovaRequest $request, Builder $query, string $value) {
                    return $query->where('is_owner', true);

but query from parameter seems to not work during searching in filter:

It seems to query data basing on $search property in User resource, but does not respect extension of builder from closure.

Generated query is:

select * from `users` where (`users`.`id` like '%admin%' or `users`.`fullname` like '%admin%' or `users`.`email` like '%admin%' or `users`.`phone` like '%admin%') and `users`.`deleted_at` is null order by `updated_at` desc

but should be

select * from `users` where (`users`.`id` like '%admin%' or `users`.`fullname` like '%admin%' or `users`.`email` like '%admin%' or `users`.`phone` like '%admin%') and `users`.`is_owner` = 1 and `users`.`deleted_at` is null order by `updated_at` desc	

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue on a fresh Nova installation:

  1. Configure filterable relation field and pass in argument closure with additional builder conditions

The query you shown above are for searching the dropdown, while

->filterable(function(NovaRequest $request, Builder $query, string $value) {
    return $query->where('is_owner', true);

will be only be applied to the current resource SQL. Such as

SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `is_owner`=1

instead of the default

SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `user_id`=?

@crynobone I know that. Why you closed issue without even identyfing use cases?

When we search relation from Edit view, in request data there is info about component, relationship etc. so we can use it to manage query in indexQuery() method.

When searching in filters, there is just /nova-api/resource/search without any additional data like resource, filter name etc. It will be enough to manage search query and it is not breaking change, just couple additional parameters in URL during filter searching.

This change cannot be planned?

From the reply this is a duplicate of #5097