
Add a fake() for scout

chrisrhymes opened this issue · 4 comments

Is it possible to add something like Scout::fake(); that would act similar to the Http::fake()? The idea for this would be to allow end to end tests to be run and allowing you to provide the data that should be returned. It could also prevent any stray http requests being sent to meiliesearch, algolia, etc.

My use case is that I am finding it difficult to figure out how to run tests in a CI pipeline without access to a live instance of meilisearch. I also can't use the database or collection drivers as I have customised the search to allow geo filtering that is specific to meilisearch, as well as creating additional fields from relations that are not in the original model (as per this example with the company_name).

As a code example, I was thinking something like the following:

    '*' => collect([User::factory()->create(['name' => 'Dave'])]),

$users = User::search('dave')->paginate();

For testing, you should set the Scout driver to null in your phpunit.xml:

<env name="SCOUT_DRIVER" value="null"/>

Ok, will do. But now this returns no results for my API tests?

As an example, the API controller for this route uses Laravel Scout to search the Service models. The test now fails as scout returns no results.

    'name' => 'Test service',

getJson(route('', ['name' => 'test']))
        ->assertJsonCount(1, 'data');

I don't think there's a way to do what you want. If you have Meilisearch specific things you'll need to start a meilisearch docker service in your CI and actually hit a meilisearch DB. I don't think we'll add a Scout fake ourselves anytime soon, sorry.

Ok. Thank you for your help!