
Scout with Meilisearch, is sending all model data instead of just the specific data defined in the toSearchableArray() method.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

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Scout, combined with Meilisearch, is sending all model data instead of just the specific data I've defined in the toSearchableArray() method.

Steps To Reproduce

artisan scout:import "App\ContactModel"

Hey @devravik. I can't believe that's correct.. It's literally implemented in the update method:

Are you sure that this is happening? How did you reach this conclusion?

Hey @driesvints,

Here following are further details

Ran php artisan scout:import "App\DeviceModel"

dd for toSearchableArray() returns following

array:18 [ "id" => 1 "name" => "1 5033T Black OC " "brand_name" => "Alcatel" "type" => null "img_url" => "/img/default.png" "service_fee" => null "boost_value" => 0 "listed" => 1 "brand" => array:5 [ "id" => 40 "name" => "Alcatel" "img_url" => "brands/T4wT4E2WBzfe8ZY4djf5S4s4DwWP4iVmTOfQ1znd.jpeg" "service_fee" => null "listed" => true ] "services_count" => 6 "can_trade_in" => 1 "can_upgrade" => 0 "can_repair" => 1 "moorup_sku" => "" "price_functional_not_broken_screen" => 10000 "price_functional_broken_screen" => 8000 "price_non_functional_not_broken_screen" => 5000 "price_non_functional_broken_screen" => 3000 ] // app/DeviceModel.php:52

Object I got from Meilisearch which isn't matches with above we are sending

   "id": 1,
   "brand_id": 40,
   "img_url": "/img/default.png",
   "service_fee": null,
   "type": null,
   "is_listed": 1,
   "name": "1 5033T Black OC ",
   "can_trade_in": 1,
   "can_repair": 1,
   "can_upgrade": 0,
   "boost_value": 0,
   "moorup_sku": "",
   "sales_model_code": null,
   "price_functional_not_broken_screen": 10000,
   "price_non_functional_not_broken_screen": 5000,
   "price_functional_broken_screen": 8000,
   "price_non_functional_broken_screen": 3000,
   "created_at": "2020-05-20T14:12:39.000000Z",
   "updated_at": "2023-07-07T15:48:04.000000Z",
   "device_name": "Alcatel 1 5033T Black OC ",
   "brand_name": "Alcatel",
   "listed": true,
   "services_count": 6,
   "brand": {
     "id": 40,
     "name": "Alcatel",
     "img_url": "brands/T4wT4E2WBzfe8ZY4djf5S4s4DwWP4iVmTOfQ1znd.jpeg",
     "service_fee": null,
     "created_at": "2019-08-17T18:04:26.000000Z",
     "updated_at": "2020-08-27T04:17:50.000000Z",
     "listed": true

Which matches with $fillable and also included brand relation as loaded for object and appended attributes.

protected $fillable = [ 'name', 'brand_id', 'type', 'img_url', 'service_fee', 'is_listed', 'price_non_functional_broken_screen', 'price_functional_broken_screen', 'price_non_functional_not_broken_screen', 'price_functional_not_broken_screen', 'moorup_sku', 'can_upgrade', 'can_trade_in', 'sales_model_code', 'can_repair', ];