
Class name must be a valid object or a string

Closed this issue · 16 comments

I am getting error of - Class name must be a valid object or a string
when i try to use it in blade.php

Same here :(

uyab commented

Did you override the configuration?
Could you provide sample code?
Could you provide the complete error message + stack trace?

Same Error!

Can not do anything at controller, not at blade. Any suggestions?

uyab commented

@shohanean please provide some code snippet so I can suggests what is wrong

@shohanean please provide some code snippet so I can suggests what is wrong

there is nothing special code snippet we just following the simple install step -
it just shows that error. with default laravel install and with installed.

uyab commented

If so, could yo provide the full stack trace of the error here?

Yes nothing special code

uyab commented

@shohanean full error message please 😄

I just require the package, then published the vendor.
In my controller which is Called ProfileController.php I added
Use use Avatar;
Then in index method I just tried to echo like this:
echo Avatar::create('Joko Widodo')->toBase64();
Then the error came out!

Class name must be a valid object or a string

In line:

uyab commented

So it is related to config file:

  // Initial generator class
    'generator' => \Laravolt\Avatar\Generator\DefaultGenerator::class,

Could you confirm that you have that entry in config/laravolt/avatar.php ?

Or, you can check using php artisan tinker, what is the output of the following code:

I'm having the same issue here.

The output of config('laravolt.avatar.generator') in tinker is null

Solved by running php artisan config:cache to clear and rebuild the configuration cache

I solved this just like @dieume-n .

Perhaps the documentation should remind us to rebuild the config cache.