
Arabic (utf8) not working

balin09 opened this issue · 6 comments

The package work with English only same problem #69 and #58 i try to set custom Arabic font i used setFont method and i changed path in avatar.php but it doesn't work any help pls
I used the last version 4.1.4

uyab commented

@balin09 could you provide some sample code?

And also, how is your current output? Does it still display text in latin?

@uyab here some code

'driver' => env('IMAGE_DRIVER', 'gd'),

// Initial generator class
'generator' => \Laravolt\Avatar\Generator\DefaultGenerator::class,

// Whether all characters supplied must be replaced with their closest ASCII counterparts
'ascii'    => false,

// Image shape: circle or square
'shape' => 'square',

// Image width, in pixel
'width'    => 100,

// Image height, in pixel
'height'   => 70,

// Number of characters used as initials. If name consists of single word, the first N character will be used
'chars'    => 2,

// font size
'fontSize' => 38,

// convert initial letter in uppercase
'uppercase' => true,

'rtl' => false,

// Fonts used to render text.
// If contains more than one fonts, randomly selected based on name supplied
'fonts' => [__DIR__ . '/../fonts/Tajawal-Medium.ttf'],

// List of foreground colors to be used, randomly selected based on name supplied
'foregrounds' => [

call avatar

img class="rounded-full" src="{{ Avatar::create($user['fname'].$user['lname'])->toBase64() }}" alt="User image"

and here the ouptput:

Capture d’écran 2021-09-02 131057

anyone try this plugin and worked with Arabic language ?

uyab commented

I downloaded (hopefully) the same font from and its just works as expected.

Can you validate if you have setup the fonts path correctly? Something like dd(config('laravolt.avatar.fonts')) and see if the output was correct.

So sorry for late response
my bad i get confused with font path in avatar.php i thought it was correct ..., now it worked fine when i change it.
but now i have an other problem: with arabic name it take 2 initial from first name only, exp for ( Imad Abd ) i expect [I A] but i get [Im].
here is the output


even with english sometimes the same probleme happen:


and also the output for rtl=>true or false ar the same for english and arabic here is my config


uyab commented

You can create your own InitialGenerator class. Please check the configuration file.