
No longer uploading to amazon s3

pwz2k opened this issue · 2 comments

pwz2k commented

I had carrierwave setup to upload to S3, which was working fine. Once I added this backgrounder gem the photos are no longer uploading. Perhaps I missed a step?

I have redis to go on Heroku setup.

Photos Model:

  mount_uploader :image, ImageUploader
  process_in_background :image
  store_in_background :image


 include CarrierWave::ImageOptimizer
  include CarrierWave::MiniMagick
  include ::CarrierWave::Backgrounder::Delay


CarrierWave::Backgrounder.configure do |c|

  c.backend :sidekiq, queue: :carrierwave

Greetings pwz2k,

for what I understand you should use either process_in_background or store_in_background. Defining both at the same time on your model for the same field won't work.

But maybe I'm wrong...

pwz2k commented

I fixed the issue. Thanks though!