
Ability to turn off removing cache directory

Closed this issue · 2 comments

According to this document if you use versions it's better to use rake task to cleanup tmp directories.

I'm running across errors like this from time to time:

Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /home/lunar/apps/sim/releases/20150810143505/public/uploads/tmp/1439184161-2760-3138/islandia001.jpg
store_asset.rb  16  initialize(...)
[GEM_ROOT]/gems/carrierwave_backgrounder-0.4.1/lib/backgrounder/workers/store_asset.rb:16:in `initialize'

I think it can be because of automatic removal.

Which method are you using? This should only effect store_in_background since that is using a cached file. I am actually tempted to get rid of it since it only adds confusion and has limited use (I have never had a production env where I could use it).

Hm, I used it in the project where we had upload using ng-file-upload to our server and then using carrierwave to s3. We wanted to move sending to s3 to background so I used your gem.
But from your response I wonder if I did it right then. Should I just use process_in_background instead? Would it move uploading to s3 to background (not only processing the image)?