No version images available after save, only original is uploaded
jeffrey008 opened this issue · 2 comments
jeffrey008 commented
I am using carrierwave_backgrounder, sidekiq and mongoid. My model defines events
embed many image
Here is my uploader:
class EventImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
include ::CarrierWave::Backgrounder::Delay
include CarrierWave::MiniMagick
def store_dir
def default_url
# carrierwave backgrounder store_in_backgroud sets image_tmp
# to the filename in the cache_path. Following default_url
# serves the cached file before image is stored to s3, making
# the image shows up earlier in the client
version :m do
process :resize_to_fill => [400, 400]
And my image
class Image do
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps::Created::Short
store_in_background :image, ::ImageWorker
field :image_tmp, type: String
mount_uploader :image, "EventImageUploader"
embedded_in :event
However when I do upload, only my original image has been uploaded. When I inspect new_image.image.m.url
, I got "/uploads/tmp/"
Whereas new_image.image.url
gives "/uploads/tmp/1484644438-44299-6173/image.jpg"
michalgritzbach commented
@jeffrey008 Hey, how did you solve your problem? I'm facing the exactly same issue right now.
jeffrey008 commented
HI @michalgritzbach.
In your model, you should do mount_uploader
first, and then do store_in_background
class Image do
include Mongoid::Document
mount_uploader :image, "EventImageUploader"
store_in_background :image, ::ImageWorker
field :image_tmp, type: String
embedded_in :event
Also make sure you defined your versions in your uploaders/event_image_uploader.rb
class EventImageUploader
version :s
version :m
Post your code if things still doesn't work.