
Issue with cache_storage and processing on aws.

HuntBurdick opened this issue · 3 comments

I could never get config.cache_storage = :aws to work, I kept getting the wrong tmp url. I copied the repo and changed (more like hacked), these lines to get it to work.

store_asset_mixin.rb starting at line 34:

def store_directories(record)
  asset, asset_tmp = record.send(:"#{column}"), record.send(:"#{column}_tmp")
  cache_directory  = File.expand_path(asset.cache_dir, asset.root)
  # XXX Hardcoded our path here... not ideal..
  @cache_path      = open("{asset_tmp}")
  @tmp_directory   = File.join(cache_directory, asset_tmp.split("/").first)

What is the right way to do this? This works for now but not super comfortable pointing to my modified repo:


Please help.... i have the same problem.

If I recall correctly, this is the only line I changed:

# XXX Hardcoded our path here... not ideal..
  @cache_path      = open("{asset_tmp}")

Closing this because it is outdated. Sorry for the silence on my end.