
Sidekiq warning about serializing job arguments

jesseminer opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi, I'm using Carrierwave Backgrounder and Sidekiq. Sidekiq 6.4.1 prints the following warning when backgrounder enqueues a job:

Job arguments to CarrierWave::Workers::ProcessAsset do not serialize to JSON safely. This will raise an error in Sidekiq 7.0. See or raise an error today by calling Sidekiq.strict_args! during Sidekiq initialization.

I think the only issue is that Carrierwave's mounted_as returns a symbol, and it needs to be converted to a string before it's passed off to Sidekiq. mounted_as is passed to enqueue_for_backend in lib/backgrounder/orm/base.rb.

@jesseminer Can you please carrierwave backgrounder version you install and where you set call back for backgrounder

@waqasnazir-gr My gemfile loads carrierwave backgrounder from github:

gem 'carrierwave_backgrounder', github: 'lardawge/carrierwave_backgrounder'

And an example of an active record model that uses the gem:

class Group < ApplicationRecord
  mount_uploader :logo, GroupLogoUploader
  process_in_background :logo

Let me know if you need any more info!

@jesseminer thanks! One more thing please share your carrierwave version this is not working for me with
gem 'carrierwave', '~> 2.0'

@waqasnazir-gr I'm on carrierwave 2.1.1.

+1 same warning

revision: e1faa5e264d6a2ee0a58ade6b0d05d1147266b86
carrierwave (2.1.1)
sidekiq (6.4.2)

I've made a PR that fixes this, forgot to link the issue though 😅

This has been fixed and released in version 0.4.3