
Document Error Handling Strategy

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Brief feature description

The error handling strategy must be documented.

  • That we use enums as error codes
  • A strategy how internal error codes from a lower architectural level are translated into enum error codes of an higher architectural level
  • How std::error::Error and later (when it is in stable) core::error::Error is implemented for all error enums.

The issue shall be concluded with a markdown file explaining the above points and showing some code snippets to illustrate them.

Detailed information

From @elBoberido

I found another solution in the zstd crate. They use derive_more with a feature flag to derive Error only on std. This makes would allow no_std on stable but without the Error trait. Something to think of.

They basically did this

derive_more = { version = "0.99", default-features = false, features = ["display", "from"] }

default = ["std"]
std = ["derive_more/error"]
#[derive(Debug, derive_more::Display, derive_more::From)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(derive_more::Error))]
pub enum Foo {
    #[display(fmt = "Bar occurred. Is: {baz}, must be either 1 or 2")]
    Bar { baz: u8 },

The attributes on the enum tags are quite similar to thiserror so it wouldn't be too hard to switch between the two crates.