
Benchmark for state commitment schemes: Tree, Merk, and JMT.

We decided to make this a separate repo because Merk requires nightly Rust, so if we put these benchmarks in another repo, that repo needs to be entirely in nightly, which is undesirable.



  • 2023 MacBook Pro M2 Pro
  • Write: 1,000,000 random keys and values in 2,000 batches, each being a random alphanumeric string, split into multiple batches
  • Read: 100,000 keys randomly sampled from the above set
  • IAVL uses GoLevelDB backend with 50 MB cache
  • Merk and Tree use RocksDB backend with default config
writes per second reads per second
Merk 67,940 456,719
Tree 15,047 18,792
IAVL (w/o fastnode) 11,164 19,836
IAVL (w/ fastnode) 7,901 286,861

How to use

Generate test data:

cargo run --bin generate-test-data

Run benchmarks:

# iavl
go run main.go

# merk
cargo run --release --bin bench-merk

# tree
cargo run --release --bin bench-tree