
A demo on how to call Wasm modules, using Rust and Wasmi

Primary LanguageRust

Wasm host example

An demo on how to call Wasm modules, using Rust and Wasmi.

Code is mostly adapted from cosmwasm-std and vm crates, so kudos to their creators.


This crate contains three examples:


In this Wasm module, the exported function only contains primitive types in its signature. Therefore the host can directly call it without dynamic allocating memory.


In this Wasm module, the function takes a string and returns a string, which is a non-primitive data.

To call this function, the host needs to:

  • dynamically allocate a region in the Wasm memory of appropriate size
  • load the input data into this region
  • call the function, providing it the memory address pointing to the region

For the Wasm module to return data, the process is similar: put data in the Wasm memory, and return a pointer.


In this example, the module directly reads or writes data to the host state by calling host functions.


Crate Descripton
guests/add Wasm module for the "add" example
guests/bank Wasm module for the "bank" example
guests/greeter Wasm module for the "greeter" example
host The host environment
sdk An small SDK containing functions useful for building Wasm modules

How to use

To run the "add" example,

cargo build -p add --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo run -p host --example add

For the other two examples, simply change the word in the commands.