
cannot load such file -- rubygems.rb

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I made executable app with this.
But, it returned error.
This is an error code:

internal:gem_prelude:4:in require': cannot load such file -- rubygems.rb (LoadError) from <internal:gem_prelude>:4:in internal:gem_prelude'

I tried to add source "require "rubygems"".

I want to use gems.
So, I don't want to use "--disable-gems".

Please help me!
(I'm Japanese, so maybe this text isn't good.I'm sorry.)

Need more details in order to be able to reproduce. Run ocra with --verbose and provide logs. Please also provide any environment variables (output of set command). It could be another localization issue.
I used --verbose command, and copied log.

Set command
I won't show all of set's result.
So I want to know what you need.
My environment variables haven’t any japanese.

I ran the program at Japanese username PC.
So Maybe this is reason of this program.
I will try at English username PC!
Thank you!