

BiberM opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Community,

check 25 ("Selection screen data not referenced statically") currently dumps with dump "ASSERTION_FAILED".
The dump occurs in method ZCL_AOC_PARSER->get_xml. Here the table SSYNTAXSTRUCTURE is read. If (in newer systems, 750 is too old) the field PROGLANG is available this table is filtered for value 'A'. In our system (755, plain S4FND / former Netweaver system) all 685 entries have PROGLANG = space.

So probably the WHERE condition has to be extended by "OR proglang = space". I implemented that locally and it works. But I an unsure whether that fits for all customers.

are you running the latest version?

following have been merged,

Thanks for the hint. Forgot to look at the closed issues. Can be closed.