
Fail to use input methods in FXText

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I can input English characters into FXText normally, but if I use Chinese Input methods to input some Chinese characters, it doesn't work. I have discovered that FXText can show Chinese characters correctly(FXText.text=), but I can not input.

I am working on Windows10 pro, ruby 2.2.3 p173 x64-mingw32

I think fxruby is really cool, it runs fast(much faster than tk),and it is easy to create codes. I deeply hope this problem to be solved

So, you mean you do not solve these problems? I know these are probably FOXGUI(not your binding library)'s problem. But I still hope there can be a light, easy, useful, quick(when coding and running) GUI toolkit for ruby.

So, I am making it myself.

What your fxruby attracted me is its ease, rapid.

Yes, you are right, Open Source is about contribution, I will try to help with this inputing problem(maybe some winapi can help?). And as you see, I have created my own gui toolkit library specially for ruby, I will of course spread the sprit of Open_Source.......

May I have your email address, please? Or you can email to me

I have many questions about this problem. The most important is how to get the handle(windows) of the text editor.,It's very obvisouly that FXTextField does not use native widget,.

What could I say? I am only amateur of programming and I am not ready to read FOXGUI's c++ source codes(I'm a senior high school student so I don't have much time to do it) but I am ready to solve the problem, then I ask you an important question. But what you are reacting shows me you are not like to help(Though you will not admit, and then Do not put the BIG HAT of "Open Source" on my head(a Chinese saying)), right? If so, I just prefer continuing work for my own gui toolkit.

In addition, you should understand, if you want your fxruby to be used more widely(If you don't want you can just ignore), you had better solve the problems :① ANSI and UNICODE encoding(especially on windows, do not say you are using linux while most of application users are using windows) ② supporting for inputting methods.

Maybe what I have said can make you not pleased, it's just because I truly loved fxruby that time and hope it can be better. I will close this issue and will not make you unhappy anymore.