
Having trouble rotating fonts with FXFont

Closed this issue · 3 comments

the angle property of the instantiated FXFont is said to be [RW], but fails on trying to actually set it, e.g. = 90 * 60

which results in an "angle= not found" error.

And so I tried using setAngle() thusly in this code snippet:

      def load_font font, angle=0
        f = ref(:app), font
        f.setAngle (angle * 64).to_i
        return f

Yet no rotation takes place in the rendered text. Tried 90*64, since I need to render vertical text.
Any ideas? Am I missing something?

Ruby 2.4.0, FXRuby 1.6.35, Ubuntu 16.04


Nevermind. I had to look at the fox source code to figure out how to do it. It is not documented anywhere as far as I can tell. I had to pass in the following string to make it work:


That last parameter is the Rotatable bit. Ugly, but so C++. Please consider making a not of it in the FXFont documentation. Thanks a million.

Snippet from FXFont.h:

/// Font style hints
enum {
Decorative = 4, /// Fancy fonts
Modern = 8, /// Monospace typewriter font
Roman = 16, /// Variable width times-like font, serif
Script = 32, /// Script or cursive
Swiss = 64, /// Helvetica/swiss type font, sans-serif
System = 128, /// System font
X11 = 256, /// Raw X11 font string
Scalable = 512, /// Scalable fonts
Polymorphic = 1024, /// Polymorphic fonts, e.g. parametric weight, slant, etc.
Rotatable = 2048 /// Rotatable fonts

Thank you for following up! I wasn't aware about this fox "feature". Which method did you call with this string? app, "helvetica,90,bold,italic,normal,iso8859-1,2048"

FYI, I have created, and am still working on, a wrapper for your wrapper to create a more Ruby way to interact with your FXRuby.

My aim is to simplify using FOX in Ruby so that more use FOX -- and your wrapper.