
FXFileDialog not show Umlaut names

Closed this issue · 1 comments

ognif commented

I use FoxToolkit 1.7.76 compiled under VSStudio 2019 With 64bit and Unicode settings.
Compiled under Windows10Pro 64bit

If I open a FXFileDialog it do not list me file names with umlauts in it. Like
02 - Sido - Löwenzahn (feat. Olexesh),mp3
is not listed but
02 - Sido - Lowenzahn (feat. Olexesh),mp3
is listed.
I do not see any option for special chars or any UTF setting for FXFileDialog so I sort it currently as a bug.

But if you compiled it then this is probably fox and not fxruby right?

So far all my german umlauts, stored as UTF-8, work fine in ruby and
fxruby too. So I assume this should work on FOX as-is. Is probably a bug
in the upstream FOX. You could try to reproduce and isolate the bug
and let the main dev know about it then. It may help to give him the
information necessary. Not sure if he is using github though.