
Can you please give an example for the ldap side?

danielwestermann opened this issue · 2 comments


I just installed this and the connection to the AD is fine. Executing pg-ldap-sync is not create any users on the postgres side, so probably I am missing something:

# Search parameters for LDAP users which should be synchronized
  base: OU=pgadmins,OU=PostgreSQL,DC=test,DC=dbiservices,DC=com
  # LDAP filter (according to RFC 2254)
  # defines to users in LDAP to be synchronized
  filter: (&(objectClass=person)(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(givenName=*)(sn=*)(sAMAccountName=*))
  # this attribute is used as PG role name
  name_attribute: sAMAccountName
  # lowercase name for use as PG role name
  lowercase_name: true

Testing this it returns the three test users:

[postgres@pgadsync ~]$ ldapsearch -x -h -D "xxxxxxxxx" -W -b "OU=pgadmins,OU=PostgreSQL,DC=test,DC=dbiservices,DC=com" | grep sAMAccountName
Enter LDAP Password: 
sAMAccountName: dba1
sAMAccountName: dba2
sAMAccountName: dba3

Same for the groups:

# Search parameters for LDAP groups which should be synchronized
  base: OU=pggroups,OU=PostgreSQL,DC=test,DC=dbiservices,DC=com
  filter: (cn=company.*)
  # this attribute is used as PG role name
  name_attribute: cn
  # lowercase name for use as PG role name
  lowercase_name: false
  # this attribute must reference to all member DN's of the given group
  member_attribute: member

ldapsearch against that:

[postgres@pgadsync ~]$ ldapsearch -x -h -D "xxxxx" -W -b "OU=pggroups,OU=PostgreSQL,DC=test,DC=dbiservices,DC=com" | grep member
Enter LDAP Password: 
member: CN=dba3,OU=pgadmins,OU=PostgreSQL,DC=test,DC=dbiservices,DC=com
member: CN=dba2,OU=pgadmins,OU=PostgreSQL,DC=test,DC=dbiservices,DC=com
member: CN=dba1,OU=pgadmins,OU=PostgreSQL,DC=test,DC=dbiservices,DC=com

What am I missing here?

[postgres@pgadsync ~]$ bin/pg_ldap_sync -c etc/pg_ldap_sync.yaml -vv -t
I, [2018-07-23T11:26:53.775372 #28962]  INFO -- : user stat: create: 0 drop: 0 keep: 0
I, [2018-07-23T11:26:53.775695 #28962]  INFO -- : group stat: create: 0 drop: 0 keep: 0
I, [2018-07-23T11:26:53.783104 #28962]  INFO -- : membership stat: grant: 0 revoke: 0 keep: 0


... of course I have these roles defined in postgres:

postgres=# \du
                                    List of roles
  Role name  |                         Attributes                         | Member of 
 ldap_groups | Cannot login                                               | {}
 ldap_users  | Cannot login                                               | {}
 postgres    | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}

Manually create a user in the ldap_users group results in pg_ldap_sync to delete that user in postgres, so this direction is fine:

[postgres@pgadsync ~]$ bin/pg_ldap_sync -c etc/pg_ldap_sync.yaml -vv 
I, [2018-07-23T11:42:38.642067 #28995]  INFO -- : found pg-user: "dba1"
I, [2018-07-23T11:42:38.644278 #28995]  INFO -- : user stat: create: 0 drop: 1 keep: 0
I, [2018-07-23T11:42:38.648154 #28995]  INFO -- : group stat: create: 0 drop: 0 keep: 0
I, [2018-07-23T11:42:38.648285 #28995]  INFO -- : membership stat: grant: 0 revoke: 0 keep: 0
I, [2018-07-23T11:42:38.648335 #28995]  INFO -- : SQL: DROP ROLE "dba1"

Forget it, I had an issue with the ldap filter
Thanks anyway