
fselector seems to stall when parallelized with multicore?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

running this code (from bernd, see link to issue below)

 fun = function(foo) {                                                                                                                                             
   chi.squared(Species ~ ., data = iris)                                                                                                                           
 mclapply(1:2, fun, mc.cores = 2)     

stalls. the same is true if instead of parallel, the parallelMap package is
used with 'multicore' (but parallelizing via 'socket' does not stall)--
is it possible that fselector cannot be used in 'multicore' fashion,
maybe because of the underlying java/weka packages?

the previous discussion is here: mlr-org/mlr#1802

This is a problem with RWeka/rJava -- it can't be parallelized through multicore (sorry for not replying earlier, I'm travelling).

ah, ok, thanks!

mb706 commented

It seems like the only thing that makes RWeka necessary is the Discretize() function, so maybe it would be possible to use the discretization package or similar?