
SF Symbol Support

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Are you planning to add SF Symbol support?

Thank you for your comment.

By default, you can instantiate UIImage with the .init(systemName: "") constructor. Have a further look at the documentation and website for use of SF Symbols in UIKit.

The following example shows how you can further customize your image instance.

// UIOnboardingHelper.swift

UIImage(systemName: "ellipsis.curlybraces")?.applyingSymbolConfiguration(.init(paletteColors: [.label, UIColor.init(named: "camou") ?? UIColor.init(red: 0.654, green: 0.618, blue: 0.494, alpha: 1.0)])) ?? .init()

If there's another specific inquiry regarding SF Symbols, please let me know. Specification appreciated. Thanks.