
A simple Node.js module for interacting with the Instatus API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple and easy to use wrapper for the Instatus API.

Creating your client

const { InstatusClient } = require("instatus.js");
const client = new InstatusClient({
  apiKey: "<your-api-key>", // head to https://dashboard.instatus.com/developer to get your API key
  apiVersion: "v1", // optional, defaults to v1
  pageId: "<your-page-id>", // optional, defaults to null. but use .getPages() to get your page ID

Get pages

(async () => {
  const getPages = await client.getPages();

  // returns an array of pages

Get components

(async () => {
  const getComponents = await client.getComponents(); // this uses the pageId from the client

  // returns an array of components

Get a specific component

(async () => {
  const getComponent = await client.getComponent("<component-id>"); // this uses the pageId from the client, and use .getComponents() to get your component ID

  // returns a component

Get incidents

(async () => {
  const getIncidents = await client.getIncidents(); // this uses the pageId from the client

  // returns an array of incidents

Get a specific incident

(async () => {
  const getIncident = await client.getIncident("<incident-id>"); // this uses the pageId from the client, and use .getIncidents() to get your incident ID

  // returns an incident

Create an incident

(async () => {
  const createIncident = await client.createIncident({
    name: "Incident name",
    status: "investigating", // can be investigating, identified, monitoring, resolved
    message: "Incident message",
    components: ["<component-id>"], // optional, defaults to null
  }); // this uses the pageId from the client

  // returns the created incident

Get user profile

(async () => {
  const getUserProfile = await client.getUserProfile();

  // returns the user profile

Get subscribers

(async () => {
  const getSubscribers = await client.getSubscribers(); // this uses the pageId from the client

  // returns an array of subscribers

Add a subscriber

(async () => {
  const addSubscriber = await client.addSubscriber({
    email: "my_freind@gmail.com", // the email of the subscriber
    all: true,
    autoConfirm: false, // set to true to skip confirmation emails (paid feature), visit https://instatus.com/pricing for more info
  }); // this uses the pageId from the client


Delete a subscriber

(async () => {
  const removeSubscriber = await client.deleteSubscriber("<subscriber-id>"); // this uses the pageId from the client, and use .getSubscribers() to get your subscriber ID


Get teammates

(async () => {
  const getTeammates = await client.getTeammates(); // this uses the pageId from the client

  // returns an array of teammates

Add a teammate

(async () => {
  const addTeammate = await client.addTeammate({
    email: "my_freind@gmail.com", // the email of the teammate
  }); // this uses the pageId from the client


Remove a teammate

(async () => {
  const removeTeammate = await client.deleteTeammate("<teammate-id>"); // this uses the pageId from the client, and use .getTeammates() to get your teammate ID
