This RESTful Actix Web API examples illustrates how to intergrate with OpenAI’s chat API and exchange messages.
Currently this RESTful API supports:
- Chat Completions
The RESTful Actix Web API has below listed dependencies:
- Actix Web web framework for Rust
- Serde for serializing and deserializing Rust data structures
- Reqwest Rust HTTP Client
You may need to ensure that you are running the commands with the correct MySQL user/password.
Update OPENAI_API_KEY: On Directory "gpt-open-api-system\src", open "" and search for this line of code "let api_key: String = String::from("Bearer OPENAI_API_KEY") ". Replace OPENAI_API_KEY with your key to proceed with testing.
Run the server:
cargo run
Using a different terminal send an HTTP POST requests to the running server:
Directory "gpt-open-api-system\apis" contains below listed api file:
- processmessage.txt
Copy the curl request on the "processmessage.txt" and execute it on a terminal. the "processmessage.txt" contains curl request and expected json reponse data.