
Installation Formula Problems: CentOS8

tkurtzsrc opened this issue · 1 comments

Installation formula does not work on CentOS8

I got it working by modifying the installation packages for postgres/RHEL and the venv requirements.

{% if alcali.config.db_backend == 'mysql' %}
  {% set db_connector = 'mysqlclient' %}
  {% set db_requirements = {
      'RedHat': ['mariadb-devel', 'python3-devel'],
      'Arch': ['mariadb-libs'],
      'Debian': ['default-libmysqlclient-dev', 'python3-dev'],
      'FreeBSD': ['curl'],
  }.get(grains.os_family) %}
{% elif alcali.config.db_backend == 'postgresql' %}
  {% set db_connector = 'psycopg2' %}
  {% set db_requirements = {
      'RedHat': ['postgresql13-devel', 'python36-devel'],
      'Arch': ['postgresql-libs'],
      'Debian': ['libpq-dev', 'python3-dev'],
      'FreeBSD': ['postgresql-libpqxx'],
  }.get(grains.os_family) %}
{% endif %}

{% set venv_requirements = {
    'RedHat': ['python3-virtualenv'],
    'Arch': ['python-virtualenv'],
    'Debian': ['virtualenv', 'python3-pip', 'python3-virtualenv', 'python3-venv'],
    'FreeBSD': ['py38-pip', 'py38-virtualenv'],
}.get(grains.os_family) %}

please open an issue in the formula repository