
Add some built-in Thumbnails

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Florian Duffe writes:

Thumbnails: it's cool that you can choose you're own thumbnails, but when you're in "the zone" you wont do it. I don't have an icon set at hand. So it would be very convenient if Recall Toolbox could offer a set of easy understandable icons/thumbnails, like for sound, compound, Title, etc.

@florian-duffe - Any ideas/suggestions on what the built-in thumbnails should be?

I guess the easiest way is to do it like Notion: Emojis. Plenty enough variety for quick assigning. And the user can still create their own thumbnails for further customisation.
The other way you can go is to have a set of about 10 generic thumbnails that mimic the design-language of FCP. Like the serifed "T" for titles, a compound icon, Audio, Video, Music, single clip, a collection of clips (like a timeline with connected clips) etc.