
Problem centering equations

e-tornike opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,

I'm currently having trouble centering equations, which get aligned to the left:

    a = b

    a = b

I was not able to find the right configuration to change/adjust in config.tex and would appreciate any pointers.


Hi @Vogel612,

yes, I've tried it, but no luck. All commands work fine in a normal .tex document, but I assume there's some configuration mismatch that's aligning equations to the left in the template.

Using a clean template (release 3.0.0), the outputs of gather and align look like this:


@e-tornike I assume the latest main branch also has these issues?

It seems to have to do with the fleqn package option, which "Position[s] equations at a fixed indent from the left margin rather than centered in the text column" [1], I simply removed it.

I changed \PassOptionsToPackage{fleqn,leqno}{amsmath} to \PassOptionsToPackage{leqno}{amsmath} in config.tex.

@koppor The fleqn option is also active on the main branch.
