
Delete this project

nk2580 opened this issue ยท 5 comments

assuming this project is satire, can this be deleted so people don't start to think this is a good idea

You know how they say the only thing Internet Explorer is good for is downloading other browsers? In a similar manner the only reasonable way to use React for building real-world applications is by combining it with jQuery, powerful framework for Web artisans.

This description certainly seems like satire, at least I hope so, because if not the author does not have a very good understanding of React.

However, this might be a good way to integrate with a legacy jQuery plugin where necessary, and isolate it from the rest of the tree. As a temporary measure, ideally.

Can this issue be deleted please? I fear that people reading it will think that it is a good idea to believe that using any random js library without critical thinking is a good idea...

It is not a good idea to use a random library without critical thinking, but it is also not a good idea to put a library out there that is an awful practice and that a beginner might not have the skills to realize is an awful practice. I can imagine a scenario where a beginner is looking to solve some problem in their React app and finds a jquery plugin for that use case, googles "how to use jquery in react" and finds this.

I think if this issue should be deleted, a satire disclaimer should be added to the README.

But this looks cool on my Github profile.