
simple cms using handlebars and json

Primary LanguageHTML

cms poc

// start app / preview server
node server

// publish current content
node publish


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libstdc++-4.9-dev

lessons learned

providing a preview with live editing via client side JS based on content that was rendered on the backend is pain.

ugly shit that happens:

  • textContent can't be properly replaced without killing the rest of innerHTML
  • eventListeners from the contentJs need to be reattached if adding module items like tabs, slides
  • every variable needs to carry a type for the right update action to be executed (title != href != textContent etc)

when editing components, values should be submitted and included in a full page render through the templating engine. -> avoids unnecessary complexity for developer, template developer AND publishing dude


  • render page in iframe to avoid collision of ui js/css with page ui/css

  • do a full rerender to refresh html with input data instead of client side js tinkering

    • execute onButtonClick instead of onKeyup
  • full publish to output folder symlink folder to output/latest

  • page list (dashboard + toolbar)

    • searchable like chosen
    • possibly hundreds of pages!
    • keywords/tagging?
  • page publish to output/timestamp/page folder

    • symlink file to output/latest
    • node publish home
  • checkout process (all / single page)

    • clone content repo as new editing base -> show warning/confirmation before!
  • checkin process (all / single page)

    • publish to output folder
    • show diff against editing base, ask for confirmation
    • add, commit, merge
  • ui

    • pages
      • creation
    • publishing
      • show file states from git index
        • click shows diff