
Add LIMIT as argument for execute

nicor88 opened this issue · 3 comments

With the introduction of dbt-core 1.6.0 we need to be able to pass a limit parameter to athena cursor, therefore will be nice to have that in place directly in pyathena.

I didn't find that possible, but happy to close this one if it's already implemented.

I don't know what your requirements are, but I don't see why this library would need to be implemented specifically for dbt.

I was just giving you a context of the spefic use case.
It's possible to "add" "limit" to AthenaCurson.execute - potentially uses cases is not only dbt BUT a broader users pool.

e.g. AthenaCurson.execute(sql, limit=100)

The cursor's execute method is an interface to execute a user-specified query. A query is not only a SELECT statement. It is not possible to support such parameters. If you want to embed parameters in your query, you can use named placeholders.