In this project I will be making a Sudoku Generator with a GUI interface using tkinter. Right now I have started but have not finished a lot of code. My goal is to create several screens on which the user can choose what kind of Sudoku they want to be playing.
- the home screen
- the rules
- screen where the user can choose the difficulty (very easy, easy, medium, difficult, very difficult)
- screen where the user can choose the grid size of the Sudoku (6x6, 9x9, 12x12)
- the different kinds of screens for the chosen Sudoku Game
The user can also choose a random game, where the code will pick a difficulty or grid size and display that Sudoku Game. There will be a logo at the top left corner, in every screen except the home screen, which (if pressed) returns the user to the home screen. Next to this logo, will be a button which (when clicked on) will open a screen displaying the rules. When in the game, at the top right corner will be the difficulty level, the grid size and the level displayed. The displayed level is also a menu, which when clicked, opens a dropdown-menu with all the other levels in this difficulty level/grid size.
I have also created a pdf file of a sketch of the setup for the different screens, and what I hope to be doing with these screens. I have created some programming ideas and the general idea for the screen, and hope to be able to do and program all these things, also in this pdf file.
- Frame (tkinter)
- OptionMenu (tkinter)
- Canvas (tkinter)
- Button (tkinter)
- for-loop for creating the cells of the Sudoku Game
- create-image (tkinter)
- a class (in which the entire program will be situated)
- A file containing the main program of the GUI, in which the different screens will be initiated
- A file containing the different grid sizes which will be put into different functions (function of 6x6, function of 9x9, function of 12x12)
- A file containing the very-easy levels
- A file containing the easy levels
- A file containing the medium levels
- A file containing the difficult levels
- A file containing the very-difficult levels
- The logo for the home screen
- The logo (a smaller variant) for the other screens
- The sketch for the setup of the different screens
- The picture for the menu for the rules (for all of the screens)