Those are peripherals, soft-peripherals and specefic devices C librairies for PIC18 and PIC32. There is also definition header and macro/tool header included in the "header" folder.
Included libs for PIC18:
- Clock control
- EUSART (software buffer included)
- Interrupt Compile-time macro
- LIN bus (not really working but a good example)
- MSSP I2C (master only)
- OneWire
- Servo Motor (10 servo with 1 timer!)
- SPI (with advance communication control)
- Timers
- Real-Time control
- Ring-Buffer
- Delay
- LCD HD44780
- DS18B20 (not complete)
- nRF24L01+ (not complete)
Keep in mind that those libs are old, and are far from optimal.
Included libs for PIC32:
- Clock control (not complete)
- CPU (not complete)
- Interrupt (compile-time and run-time)
- Output Compare (PWM mode only)
- SPI (with advance communication control)
- Timers (except the core timer)
- UART (with advance communication control)
- Real-Time control
- Ring-Buffer (variable element size)
- nRF24L01+ (not working)