Eventmaker themes

Tech stack

Eventmaker themes are built with:

  • HTML
  • Liquid as the template language
  • CSS / SCSS
  • Modern Javascript (Webpack is running behind the hood)

Repository structure

This repository can host several Eventmaker themes. The repository structure is:

  shared/                       => any shared assets to use in multiple themes
  themes/                       => root folder for all your themes
    my-theme-1/                 => root folder of a theme
    my-other-themes/            => another theme
  package.json                  => here you can add external JS dependencies

Make sure you respect the theme structure.

Theme structure

Zooming in to a theme:

my-theme-1/              => root folder must have the same name than the theme
      main.js            => the JS entry point. Webpack will bundle all the JS starting from this file
      main.scss          => the CSS entry point. Webpack will bundle all the CSS starting from this file
  layouts/               => mandatory layouts files
  sections/              => theme sections (liquid)
  snippets/              => theme snippets (liquid)
  specs.yml              => file describing your theme

Full documentation about theming environement

Working on a theme

You can use both yarn or npm. In the readme we will use yarn, if you use npm, remember to escape command line arguments:

yarn start -e XXX -n YYY

would translate to:

npm run start -- -e XXX -n YYY

1️⃣ Eventmaker theme developer

You will need an account on Eventmaker and you should contact Eventmaker so they allow you to work on themes.

⚠️ When working on a theme, you should use an event dedicated for themes building and never use a production event.

2️⃣ Create a new theme

Run yarn create-theme -n theme-name -b BASE_THEME to create a new theme.

Eventmaker themes can depend on other themes. We will provide you with existing Eventmaker themes so you don't have to start from scratch. Do not edit thoses themes. Instead run the command above and you can start on a clean state. The base themes you are building on will have a .locked file at their root.

3️⃣ Start

Once you have a developer account, you can run yarn install to pull up initial dependencies. Then run:

yarn start -e EVENT_ID -t TOKEN -n THEME_NAME

This will start the development environment and the website of the event you specified will be bound to your development environment. From here you can start editing liquid, js and css the website of your event will update with your changes.

Run yarn start help to see the full list of options.

4️⃣ Validate

Run yarn valiate -n THEME_NAME to run validations. This will perform a bunch of checks to make sure your theme is valid.

5️⃣ Release

Run yarn release -n THEME_NAME -t TOKEN to publish your theme. Once published your theme may be used by your other events.

6️⃣ Staying up to date

You are building a new theme off this repository but you still want to be able to pull in the latest changes made to this repository. For this you can add a remote upstream pointing to this repository.

Navigate to your local theme folder.

Verify the list of remotes and validate that you have both an origin and upstream: git remote -v

If you don't see an upstream, you can add one that points to this repository:

git remote add upstream git@github.com:applidget/eventmaker-base-theme.git

Pull in the latest changes into your repository:

git fetch upstream
git pull upstream master

7️⃣ Summary command for npm

Start the reload process

npm run start -- -e EVENT-ID -t TOKEN -n THEME_NAME -s true

Create a theme

npm run create-theme -- -n NEW_THEME_NAME -b BASE_THEME

Validate a theme

npm run validate -- -n THEME_NAME

Release a theme (need at minimum one commit on git, not push required)

npm run release -- -n THEME_NAME -t TOKEN