Youtube search but doesnt play
SuupraaaMK4 opened this issue · 36 comments
Im using Lavalink latest version with youtube-source 1.3.0 and poru 5.1.0. Yesterday works perfectly but now, it search the song but finish queue instantly. I test in another server (both mine, same config and verison) and works, so why this happen?
Same here, music start and stop instant even with spotify
it fetch the song join the vs but didn't play and skip the song
maybe the songs are explicit, that might be why it skips them.
well black pink album is not and it working fine in Lavalink v3 but its skipping in v4
well black pink album is not and it working fine in Lavalink v3 but its skipping in v4
try using the new youtube source plugin, disable built-in one, else blackpink songs have nsfw words in the korean language and the lavalink is denying it
Lavalink does not block any tracks even if they are explicit
Lavalink does not block any tracks even if they are explicit
oh? weird, cause it happened to me after removing the account from yt config
can i have the applicaition.yml file for plugins because when I am trying to configure its not working
I have tried shoukaku, erela, poru
can i have the applicaition.yml file for plugins because when I am trying to configure its not working
I have tried shoukaku, erela, poru
sure, here is it:
Lavalink does not block any tracks even if they are explicit
oh? weird, cause it happened to me after removing the account from yt config
Do you have the TVHTML5EMBEDDED client enabled?
With Spotify, I'm like you, maybe it's not just Youtube...
Lavalink does not block any tracks even if they are explicit
oh? weird, cause it happened to me after removing the account from yt config
Do you have the TVHTML5EMBEDDED client enabled?
Oh THAT'S WHAT IT WAS FOR? omggg i am such an idiot
Did music working for someone ?
In my case, it found the music, start and instant stop...
add more clients to lavalink application config. I did the same and worked afterwards
can i have the applicaition.yml file for plugins because when I am trying to configure its not working
I have tried shoukaku, erela, porusure, here is it:
mine works after this
There is any temporary fix for this?
As I mentioned earlier in the threads, provide logs.
There is no error crash or something, it's just starting and instant finishing
Logs provide more details than just an error. Please provide logs otherwise I can't assist.
Logs provide more details than just an error. Please provide logs otherwise I can't assist.
Here is my logs:
Logs provide more details than just an error. Please provide logs otherwise I can't assist.
Here is my logs: spring.log
2024-06-22T15:18:04.108Z TRACE 28 --- [XNIO-1 I/O-2] : Sent {"op":"event","type":"TrackExceptionEvent","guildId":"1094611468571377754","track":{"encoded":"QAAApQMADU1FVEFNT1JQSE9TSVMACklOVEVSV09STEQAAAAAAAIumAALbEp2Um9oWVNyWk0AAQAraHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1sSnZSb2hZU3JaTQEAMGh0dHBzOi8vaS55dGltZy5jb20vdmkvbEp2Um9oWVNyWk0vbXFkZWZhdWx0LmpwZwAAB3lvdXR1YmUAAAAAAAAAAA==","info":{"identifier":"lJvRohYSrZM","isSeekable":true,"author":"INTERWORLD","length":143000,"isStream":false,"position":0,"title":"METAMORPHOSIS","uri":"","sourceName":"youtube","artworkUrl":"","isrc":null},"pluginInfo":{},"userData":{}},"exception":{"message":"This video is unavailable","severity":"common","cause":" This video is unavailable"}}
Add more clients, as was already stated earlier in this thread.
Edit: And also disable ANDROID
's playback capabilities. It's broken with no known fix.
What clients should I add? This problem happens also with Spotify. The bot enters the vocal, fetch the song and leaves.
That's up to you based on your requirements. At the very least, I would add ANDROID_TESTSUITE
but if you wanted to add any more that would be at your own discretion.
Also why would Spotify be any different? It mirrors to whatever providers you have set, which tend to include youtube.
That's up to you based on your requirements. At the very least, I would add
but if you wanted to add any more that would be at your own discretion.Also why would Spotify be any different? It mirrors to whatever providers you have set, which tend to include youtube.
Doesn't work,
these are the clients:
Here my logs when i try to find a music and play it music.log
These are not your complete logs, nor have you enabled debug.
I have same Issue, check the end of the log
spring (1).log
I have same Issue, check the end of the log spring (1).log
2024-07-03T22:05:33.572+02:00 DEBUG 17 --- [main] : No ratelimit config found, skipping setup of route planner
... This video is unavailable
at ~[youtube-plugin-1.3.0.jar!/:na]
at ~[youtube-plugin-1.3.0.jar!/:na]
at ~[youtube-plugin-1.3.0.jar!/:na]
Use IPv6 rotation.
Enabling HTTP/2 support resolved the issue for me
HTTP2 does not affect YouTube playback as Lavaplayer/youtube-source uses its own HTTP client separate from Spring. That setting only affects your WS/HTTP connections to the Lavalink server.
Toggling that setting is merely a coincidence.
HTTP2 does not affect YouTube playback as Lavaplayer/youtube-source uses its own HTTP client separate from Spring. That setting only affects your WS/HTTP connections to the Lavalink server.
Toggling that setting is merely a coincidence.
So, how is my Lavalink now working again?
The last line of my message. It literally has no bearing on the youtube source manager lol... It doesn't even use that setting.
Today doesn't work anymore
You are still not using IP rotation nor have you enabled more clients.
2024-07-06T14:06:56.513Z INFO 28 --- [main] : YouTube source initialised with clients: WEB_REMIX, WEB, ANDROID
2024-07-06T14:06:56.513Z DEBUG 28 --- [main] : No ratelimit config found, skipping setup of route planner
Enable more clients, and enable IP rotation.
For anyone else that stumbles upon this issue, you ought to be using youtube-source by now, as well as doing what is stated above in this comment.
Closing and locking as this no longer belongs in this repo. Further issues are to be made within the youtube-source
repository (providing you are using youtube-source
, if you aren't, then refer to the above comment).