
Create streamed tty

lawndoc opened this issue · 2 comments

Right now the reverse shell is limited and can't do things like tmux, vim, or even tab completion. I want to figure out a way to get an SSH-like session with colors and full TTY.

Not sure if this is exactly what I want, but there are some improvements that I had in mind that I could implement as part of this. One is to send the buffer when control characters are input, such as tab, backspace, delete, home, end, and the arrow keys. This would make it so I'm actually able to actually use the mapped keys of the shell I'm connected to.

Doing this would make me need to change or remove the way I'm having the code keep track of what command was run, but that shouldn't be too hard. I might just need an extra variable that doesn't flush until it sees a \n character.