
Shorts in Search Result

Closed this issue · 6 comments

For some reason, I am seeing shorts on my results page even though I have have disabled shorts in search results.


Good catch! Thanks for making the issue.

That row of shorts must be a recent change by YouTube.

I'll try to push a fix in the next few days.

Hey Lawrence, would love to help you with this. Though I'm pretty new to extensions, with your little help I think I can fix this.
Let me know If I can help.

@0xatulpatil Awesome :) no pressure though

The fix will likely be 1 new line in the main.css file, around here

html[global_enable="true"][remove_shorts_results="true"] #container.ytd-search ytd-video-renderer[is_short="true"],

Thanks for the nudge, will try to fix this issue once I am free.

Thanks once again.


Should be live on Firefox, and Chrome will take a day or two